Remember the times when you get pumped up after seeing some motivational stuff and decide that you are gonna change your life? Well,I have had a lot of those moments.But to be honest they don’t really take you forward, I mean you don’t really persist with them for a long time though.
That’s because they are not for you. External motivation is all we know and all we get. We don’t really care about internal motivation which is the one that takes us forward. That kind of a self motivation applies only when you love to do something beyond boundaries.
It’s harder to get up in the early mornings if you are not pretty much used to it. Well,that’s because you love the morning sleep more than anything else and you are ready to do whatever it takes to stay in bed for a few more moments. Think if you apply that kind of determination for stuff that you consider as your goals.I bet there cannot be someone working harder than you.
I guess the title should make some sense now. You may work hard for ‘something’ but there can be someone who loves that ‘something’ more than you do.And that makes him work harder than you even without him realizing it.

Published on Medium as well.